There are numerous Northwest Alumni and Friends Association chapters in geographical areas throughout the United States. (Locations include Kansas City, Washington DC, St. Joseph, Des Moines, Omaha/Council Bluffs, West Central IA, St. Louis, Central Missouri, and others as well as a Black Alumni, Band, and Theatre alumni chapters. Please contact the office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248 or for more information.
To inquire about starting an alumni chapter or organizing an alumni and friends event in your area, contact the Office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248 or The alumni office can determine how many Northwest alumni live in your area. Ideally, at least 200 alumni need to live in the geographic area to start the process of establishing an alumni chapter.
All Northwest alumni receive the Northwest Alumni Magazine, which is published twice a year. If you are not receiving the publication, or if you would like a copy delivered to your school or business, please contact the Office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248 or For more information about receiving the Northwest Alumni Magazine, read Update Your Information.
There are many volunteer opportunities, including:
For more information on volunteering, contact the Office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248 or
Information about Homecoming generally can be found on the Northwest website, contact the Office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248 or or the Office of Student Involvement at 660.562.1226.
The Tourin' Bearcats travel program is open to all Northwest alumni and friends who would like to travel with a group with details prearranged. For more information, visit the Tourin' Bearcats website, contact the office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248 or
Northwest has a new tailgating policy effective fall 2013. Alcohol is now permitted in designated tailgating areas near Raymond J. Courter College Park Pavilion and College Park. For more information about the policy and to learn where tailgating is permissible, visit
Yes. Northwest's website is secure. You'll see that the site meets industry standards for security, indicated by the lock symbol and the http prefix in the URL.
Please send a copy of your marriage certificate to:
Registrar's Office
Administration Building
800 University Drive
Maryville, MO 64468
If you are a Missouri resident and have donated at least $25 to Northwest, you may request a Missouri Collegiate License Plate Form to be sent to you. If you submit your donation with a pledge/donation form, there is a box for you to check indicating that you would like to receive a license plate form. You may also contact the Office of University Advancement at 660.562.1248 or to request a license plate form. Take your completed form to your local license bureau, and they will direct you from there. These plates are treated like the general personalized plates throughout the state both in terms of price and availability of word or number combinations.
Visitor permits are available at the University Police Department.
To request a copy of your transcript, please call the Registrar's Office at 660.562.1151. You may also visit the Registrar's website.